The Cottage Shop Cultural Corner

On May 2, 1886, Edouard Lockroy, the French Minister of Culture at the time , announced plans for a tower for the 1889 Paris exhibition and invited proposals for the project. The winning design was submitted by engineer Gustave Eiffel.
This was the birth of the famous Eiffel Tower.
We invite you to enjoy our collection of Limoges Eiffel Tower boxes: Limoges Eiffel Tower Box on French Flag, our exclusive Limoges Macarons Eiffel Tower Box, Limoges Eiffel Tower box in Chamoagne Case Box, Limoges Eiffel Tower on Paris Landmarks Box, Limoges Paris Travel Suitcase Eiffel Tower Box, Limoges Eiffel Tower Paintings Box, Limoges Eiffel Tower with Rainbox Box, Limoges Eiffel Tower nox with Chic Shopping Suitcase Box, Limoges Eiffel Tower Postcard Box, Limoges Eiffel Tower Boot Box, Limoges Eiffel Tower Birthday Cake Box, Limoges Eiffel Tower in Globe Box, Limoges Halloween Eiffel Tower with Witch and Ghost, Limoges Halloween Eiffel Tower with Spiders, Limoges Eiffel Tower with Santa Box.